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Cornerstone Bible Verse

“The righteous are bold as a lion.”
Proverbs 28:1 encapsulates Providence Church’s commitment to stand firm in the faith, proclaim the truth boldly, and hold to Scripture fearlessly. We do not bend to the whims of culture. Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lion of Judah, always prevails (Revelation 5:5), and we yield to and follow His victorious lordship.
What We Believe
Statement of Faith
This statement of faith represents the doctrinal outline of Providence Church; the teaching and preaching will reflect this understanding. This statement does not necessarily define the boundaries of our fellowship. Christians who differ with this statement are welcome to worship the Lord together with us. Our basis for unity and communion is a biblical confession of the Lordship of Jesus Christ, acknowledgment of the authority of Scripture, and the absence of a scandalous lifestyle.
We affirm the historical creeds of the Church, including the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Chalcedonian Statement, and the Athanasian Creed. Members generally subscribe to the London Baptist Confession of 1689.
There is one living and true God, who is almighty, infinite, eternal, good, and unchangeable in all His attributes. He eternally exists in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; these three being coequal in power and glory, having the same attributes and perfections.
God’s Sovereignty
God created all things in heaven and earth out of nothing by His powerful Word. All life on earth, including mankind, was created by a direct act of God. God is absolutely sovereign over His creation. For His own glory, He decrees whatsoever comes to pass and providentially upholds and sustains all things. All of creation is made for the glory of God.
The Bible
The Scriptures, both the Old and New Testaments, are the inspired Word of God without error in their original writings. The Bible is the only complete revelation of God’s will for the salvation of humans and the supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and life. The Scriptures are a unified whole. We affirm The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy as the clearest and most complete statement on the Bible’s authority.
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is true God and true man, having been conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, living in perfect obedience to the moral law, and dying on the cross as a sacrifice for the sins of His people. He arose bodily from the dead and ascended into heaven where, at the right hand the Father, He is now interceding for His church and ruling over all things.
God created all mankind, male and female in His image, to have fellowship with Him and to glorify and serve Him by worshiping Him as He commands, taking dominion over the earth, and demonstrating His holy character. There are only two genders – male and female – and they are fixed and immutable. God ordained marriage to be between only one man and one woman for the mutual help of the husband and the wife, for the increase of mankind with a legitimate issue, and of the church with a holy seed, and for preventing uncleanness. Marriage is to reflect the relationship between Jesus Christ and His church. All sexual relations outside marriage are sin, prohibited by God.
God’s Plan of Salvation
Through Jesus Christ alone can a person find salvation and eternal life. In Jesus Christ, God became man and took the sins of His people upon Himself, offering Himself as a sacrifice to satisfy divine justice and reconcile His people to God. All who were chosen in Christ from eternity past are born again by the Holy Spirit. Those who respond from their new hearts with repentance and faith in Jesus are justified on the basis of the shed blood of Christ, become children of God, and are indwelt, sanctified, and sealed by the Holy Spirit. They will persevere until they are glorified at Christ’s return. Christ’s work of salvation also extends beyond humans to all things in heaven and on earth which have come under the curse of sin.
The Lordship of Christ
Jesus Christ is seated in a position of authority at the right hand of God the Father. We are called to take all thoughts captive to Christ. There is no sacred-secular distinction; He is Lord of all things in heaven and on earth. Christ cannot be received as Savior and rejected as Lord.
The Covenant of Grace
All of history after humanity’s fall into sin illustrates a progressive outworking of God’s covenant of grace. Beginning with the first promise to Adam after the fall and continuing throughout history to the end of the ages, God orders all things in view of His single purpose of demonstrating His glory by redeeming a people to Himself through Christ.
The Sacraments or Ordinacnces
Christ has commanded two sacraments or ordinances for the local church in the present age: water baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Mere participation in the sacraments does not guarantee salvation, nor is there any efficacy in their participation. Rather, these are signs and seals of God’s gracious promise of eternal life for all those numbered among Christ’s people on earth.
Salvation by Grace, Through Faith, Unto Good Works
Salvation is completely the work of God’s grace alone and an unmerited gift to the believer. This gift of salvation is received by faith alone apart from any works on the part of the believer, and the faith by which salvation is received is itself a gift from God. This gift of faith is always accompanied by repentance for sin along with a desire and determination to follow Jesus in a life of obedience and good works.
Last Things
Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly at the end of the age. The righteous and the unrighteous will be resurrected to face final judgment. The righteous will enjoy eternal blessedness in heaven, and the unrighteous will suffer eternal punishment in hell.