Welcome to Providence
A church founded on the timeless truths of Scripture.

Theological Depth

Family Integrated Worship

Edifying Fellowship
For those who yearn for a church where faith is edified, families are strengthened, and God is exalted.
The search to find a trustworthy, biblically sound church is difficult. If you tire of commercialized Christianity, ear-tickling music, and spineless teaching, where do you go?
You don’t have to choose between a long drive or settling for a church that leaves you feeling like an exile.
We welcome you to join us at Providence Church in Mansfield, Ohio. We’re a small Reformed Baptist congregation that’s big on expository preaching of Scripture, boldness in righteousness, family-integration, and growth together in Christ to make a difference for His kingdom.
Core Beliefs
Christ-Centered Teaching
“Read the Bible, sing the Bible, pray the Bible, preach the Bible.” We believe that the best way to honor the Lord is to give heed to the sacred text of Scripture.
We hold this confession because we hold the historic faith of the church, and continue to stand against compromise and corruption in our own time.
Family Integrated
We seek to keep our children in our services so that they may participate in two of the greatest children’s programs God has instituted: the family and corporate worship.
Fellowship Minded
We seek Christ’s honor alone as we nurture our families in the gospel, gather in reverence for corporate worship, and commend the gospel through evangelism.
Location & Service Times
Providence Church
1122 Grace Street, Mansfield, OH 44905
Sundays, 10:30 AM
Mission Statement
To build God-fearing families throughout Northern Ohio by means of the faithful exposition of God’s word, loving pastoral care, and personal congregational fellowship.
Take the Next Step
Attend a Service
Are you interested in experiencing a Sunday at Providence Church? We invite you to join us and discover a welcoming place to learn and grow spiritually as you worship the Lord.
Explore Our Teaching
It’s important to find a church that honors and upholds the infalliable Word of God. We welcome you to delve into our sermon archive, watch a recent service, and read our statement of faith.